The Harris's invited me to crash their family vacation. I hadn't been forever so I was so excited to go! It is Harris family tradition to take a picture by the Indian.

The Matterhorn! I love Delly's worried face in this picture. She would get anxiety before every ride. She would ask "is it dark?", "is it scary?", "is it fast?" and we would of course lie and say "no, it's not!". Because after every ride she was so happy and loved them all! Except the Tower of Terror... or as we called it- The Tower of Fun! After we got off she said "Why do they call it the Tower of Fun anyways... it's NOT fun!". :)

Avery Belle driving me on the bumper cars... I recommend not letting Avery drive you on the bumper cars. :)

I finally talked Delly into going on a ride with me. When I first asked her she said "Ummm... I think I'll ride with an adult first." I'm not sure what she thinks of me but apparently its not a responsible adult. I'm just one of the kids! This was before our ride on Space Mountain. "No Delly, it's not fast or dark!" Whoops! Maybe she was right not to trust me...

After Space Mountain- she LOVED it! She talked the whole time but all I could hear was her screaming "it's like we're really in space!". She was so cute.

My Tower of Terror partners Gage and Drey. We went on it several times, it was one of my favorites!

I jump Disneyland & California Adventure!

The new 3D Toy Story ride was awesome!! Another favorite.

We had a great time! Thanks Harris's for letting me crash your party!

Christmas Eve-
I didn't take many pictures on Christmas. Here's me and Hanny with our gifts from our parents. She got a nice stethoscope so she doesn't have to use the crappy prison ones and I got an acetylene gas tank for my jewelry. We were so excited!

We don't have a problem... I love my family!! :)