I thought she had gotten all of this video game non-sense out of her system. Then we visited my parents house to see my brother and his family that had come down from Orem for the week. Well they brought their Wii and their MarioKart. Stacy, who is way better than me at video games, was hooked. We had already told her nephew that he could buy our Wii so she was now in quite the quandry. Always the thinker, she pulled out an old N64 that we had when we first got married. She then found her way to eBay and it was on. She found MarioKart and SuperMario 64. They arrived last week and I am pretty sure she has been playing them everyday since.
Just now I was watching a very entertaining re-run of Scrubs on Comedy Central when she kicked me off the TV so she could play. I took this picture so I could show you what I have been looking at for the last 2 hrs of my life.
My wife may be a Wii-tard, but she is my Wii-tard and I love her for it. (She is super hot too. Especially when she makes me PB&H)