Monday, October 13, 2008


Growing up my sister Alisa's best friend was Kristi. They loved to hate me, the pesky little sister. They would create exclusive clubs (complete with tape laminated club cards) and promise me entrance only if I would be their slave for as long as they wanted. As soon as they had to let me in, they would make me a card and then suddenly decide they weren't in the Pink Pearl club anymore and would start a new, even more exclusive club. One day I said they would be sorry for how they treated me...that day is today. Alisa and Kristi were New Kids on the Block fanatics. They went to all the concerts, knew all the words, dance moves, had all the pictures. When I found out about the New Kids reunion tour I asked Hanny if she would want to go with me just for fun. She said no she couldn't, she would be in school and didn't know what would be going on and that she'd probably be too busy. Alright fine. Then a couple weeks later she says "Guess what?! I am going to the New Kids concert with Kristi!!" Yep. So this is for you Hanny and Kristi, I hope you had fun at the concert tonight!

Alisa before one of the New Kids concert. Awesome backwards suspenders!!

Alisa and Kristi

Don't hate me, you know you love me! These pictures may be funny now, but you two were the coolest girls ever!


Brandon Beecroft said...

Wow! The venom in this post. I can feel it all the way up here in Utah. Good one Tia. Watch out though, the cool girls are going to fight back cause they are 'HANGIN TOUGH!'

Alisa said...

OK. I can see that you've got some pent up hostility. I thought we moved past that 18 years ago but I can see now that we need to look into some sisters counseling. Who knew grudges lasted this long? I'm forming a club and I would like to grant you a VIP membership. K? I'll even laminate your card with the real stuff... not scotch tape. See? I'm nice now. I would like to be friends.

By the way, when you asked me about the concert I didn't know what day of the week it was going to be on. When Jason called me and told me it was on a Monday and asked if I wanted to go with Kristi, I knew I could. I just wanted to clarify in case you want to bring it up in 20 years!

I do have quite a collection of pictures of you too, Tia. Don't make me start a humiliating picture war. Cause I'll win! I'm rockin those suspenders! You had to be pretty cool to pull that off!

Heather K said...

He he that was AWESOME! I would have been a little cranky. But it was a hilarious post. PS remind me never to cross you!

Kristi said...

Stacy, I sure don't remeber those days like you! I'm sure we were never that awful to you! Right:) Anyhoo! Can we call it even and forgive the mean "Pink Pearls". Oh yeah, black tight are making a come back! I'm not so sure about the sailor hat and what was up with that tight perm of mine! Those were some great times! Thanks for a good laugh. Alisa and I may have to return the favor and post some lovely pics of you!

The Rich-Ardos said...

I completely "ditto" this post, Tia! Sometimes I still find that I'm crying myself to sleep on my big pillow,,,all from the horrible treatment from these two hooligans (sorry, Kristy)It's no wonder I have self-esteem problems,,,

Stacy said...

Ok ok I can forgive past need to post retaliation pictures!!

The Richards said...

you girls are too funny, o love reading your blogs and seeing the love! Those pictures were awesome!

Cicily said...

Sweet revenge, you are amazing.