Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Awkward goodness

When you get to the bottom of the page hit "older posts".  Luckily there are not too many of them yet or I would have spent all day there and no time studying for my final tonight.  Too funny.  Unfortunately my family has many family photos that would be perfectly at home on this site.  In fact there is currently one being showcased on my parents refrigerator, I'm going to take that down right now lest anyone get any ideas!!


Alisa said...

Did you post the awkward number? 47? You did, huh. That was too funny. I think we should find the famiy picture where I got a little carried away with Mindys blush. Or the one with Mom's eyeballs drawn in. Or the one of you kneeling down in your dress. Or was that Mindy? We could really show those people what awkward is.

julie and john said...

Yeah, let me know when you are up here so we can get together!!

Harmony said...

Ahahaha! Stac this is sooo funny, I laughed my head off. Thanks!